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Phone: 0207 2052532
Email: info@growthperformance.co.uk
"It’s been a fantastic experience working with Growth Performance – they are enthusiastic, helpful and bring a world of experience to the table.”
Leon Restaurants
Emotional intelligence involves a set of skills that define how well we recognise and respond to emotions. These skills have been shown to underlie many aspects of success in life which is why emotional intelligence has redefined what it means to be smart
When we speak about emotions we need to recognise that they can impact our judgement, actions and achievements in both a positive and negative manner. Try to recall a time when you encountered an emotion – let’s say elation or happiness. This emotion was most likely experienced because you achieved something positive in your life, such as time spent with friends or family or an accomplishment in the workplace. Ask yourself how this positive emotion made you feels; did it impact on your humour, your stamina or the way you interacted with others around you? Now, envision a memory of a less positive emotion, such as animosity or exasperation. This emotion may have surfaced for a number of reasons, perhaps a work colleague said something you disagreed with or a close friend let you down. Ask yourself the same question, how did this emotion affect your actions? Did you act in haste or say something you would later regret?
To embrace Emotional Intelligence (EI) we need to understand that it comprises a number of different skills that assist us with recognizing and acknowledging the emotions of others and indeed within ourselves. The use of Emotional Intelligence skills is equally as important as the use of intellectual skills (IQ) for achieving accomplishments in your working and personal life.
Regardless of your status, or position in life or work, every person on this planet interacts with others in some way. When we are aware of our own emotions, and understand how they affect our everyday behaviour, we have opened the door to success and achievement in both our working environment and in our home life.
How applying Emotional Intelligence can make a difference.
Within an organisation, emotional intelligence influences our self-awareness and allows us to practice strong leadership, compassion and flexibility. It is vital in today’s fast paced world to embrace any skills that can assist us with this constant change and better prepare us to form strong partnerships and associations. Through our ever-evolving programmes, we have found that individuals who have taken part now demonstrate stronger more positive emotional control, encourage more profitable working environments, lead with positivity, and drive others with a more engaging influence.
The Genos Emotional Intelligence Model
By being emotionally self-aware you can recognise and understand your own emotions in a way that becomes second nature. This skill will bring with it many benefits to your working and living environment. Emotions have an impact on the decisions you make on a daily basis and will determine your behaviour and conduct in most cases. Managers or leaders who have mastered the art of self awareness will be more mindful of the effect their emotions can have and will learn to handle the outcomes in a more positive manner.
Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessments
Genos International has developed emotional intelligence assessments that can monitor the frequency of emotionally intelligent actions in the workplace, which influence positive outcomes. These assessments are circumstantiated by in-depth associate-analysed studies and supplemented with easy to understand reports that will provide you with suggestions and practices to further enhance development.